学术报告:Light nuclei production in relativistic heavy ion collisions
发布时间:2019-07-04   浏览次数:

报告题目:Light nuclei production in relativistic heavy ion collisions

报告人:Che Ming Ko教授(美国德州农工大学)

报告时间:2019/7/16 9:30-10:30 化学西楼201会议室

报告简介:This talk will review our recent work on light nuclei production in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Also discussed are: 1) the relation between the coalescence model and the statistical model; 2) the relation between the coalescence model and the transport model, in which light nuclei are treated dynamically during the hadronic evolution; 3) hyperon triton production; 4) system size dependence of light nuclei production; and 5) the possibility of using light nuclei production as a probe to the QCD phase diagram
