学术报告:Theoretical Study of Chiral anomalous Transports
发布时间:2019-12-16   浏览次数:

Theoretical Study of Chiral anomalous Transports

报告人:侯德富教授 (华中师范大学物理科学与技术学院)

报告时间:12月17日(周二) 9:30

报告简介: QCD phase structure under new extremal conditions and Anomaly induced transport phenomena in systems with chiral fermions have attracted wide interests ranging from high energy physics to Astrophysics and condensed matter physics. Because of the non-renormalization theorem of chiral anomalies, it is normally expected that the chiral magnetic (vortical) currents are free from higher order corrections. In this talk, I will present our study on the radiative corrections to chiral magnetic current at both zero and nonzero temperature. Our motivation is a radiative correction to the matrix element of the anomalous Ward identity in massless QED stemming from a three-loop diagram where the two photons coming from the one-loop anomalous triangle are re-scattered. Through the interplay between the Ward identity and the infrared subtlety of the fermion loop integral, we obtain the 3-loop corrections to the chiral magnetic current at zero temperature. At a nonzero temperature, the infrared subtlety disappeared in a static magnetic field and the three-loop diagram does not contribute to the chiral magnetic current any more. The generalization to all orders of the massless QED and the QCD corrections are discussed. I will also present possible higher-order corrections to the chiral veritcal effect (CVE). The CME calculation with Lattice and wigner function will also be studied

报告人简介:华中师范大学物理科学与技术学院,二级教授,德国法兰克福洪堡学者,教育部新世纪优秀人才。1996年华中师范大学粒子物理硏究所获得博士;先后在德国加拿大,美国从从事博士后研究和访问,2004年回国。主要从事有限温度量子场论,热密QCD与热密夸克物质理论,色超导,手征反常输运, AdS/CFT与强耦合夸克物质的理论研究。