2023.12至今 复旦大学 副教授
2018.10-2023.11 上海交通大学副教授
2017.10-2018.09 美国新墨西哥大学助理研究员
2015.02-2017.09 美国新墨西哥大学博士后
2014.04-2015.02 日本东京大学博士后
2011.10-2014.03 日本东京大学博士
2009.10-2011.09 日本东京大学硕士
2004.09-2008.07 西安交通大学本科
1. 铅铋快堆安全及事故研究国家海外高层次人才青年项目 2022-2024 主持
2. 铅铋堆非均匀高热流密度直流蒸汽发生器密度波不稳定特性研究 中核集团领创科研项目 2023-2024 主持
3. 表面污垢对燃料临界传热及热工水力设计基准影响机理研究 上海市科学技术委员会 2020-2022 主持
4. 可用于CAP1400的柱塞式孔板研制 科技部重大专项 2019-2021 主持
5. 基于系统程序的模块化建模与数据处理程序开发中国核动力研究设计院 2021-2022 主持
6. 螺旋管直流蒸汽发生器热工水力及流动不稳定性模型研究 中国核动力研究设计院 2020-2021 主持
7. 华龙一号乏燃料水池热工水力设计与安全分析燃料组件自然循环特性试验 中国核电工程有限公司 2020-2021 主持
8. 微通道换热器性能试验上海核工程研究设计院有限公司 2020-2021 主持
1. C. Shen, M. Liu*, L. Liu, Z. Xu, C Zeng, L. Liu, H. Gu, Development of friction factor and heat transfer correlation of liquid metal flow in helical tube bundles, Annals of Nuclear Energy 201, 110442
2. M. Liu*, C. Shen, Z. Xu, C. Zeng, X. Wang, L. Liu, H. Gu, Numerical study on flow instability of parallel helical tubes under convective heating condition, Annals of Nuclear Energy 201, 110418
3. X. Wang, R. Zhang, M. Liu*, T. Cong, L. Liu, L. Liu, H. Gu, Development of a heat transfer model for the film boiling regime in a fouling layer, Annals of Nuclear Energy 199, 110345
4. X. Wang, M. Liu*, X. Yan, T. Cong, H. Gu, Development of Nusselt number and friction factor models for rough rod bundles based on wall functions, Annals of Nuclear Energy 198, 110333
5. C. Zeng, M. Liu*, W. Zhang, L. Liu, L. Liu, H. Gu, Development and validation of a one-dimensional solidification model—Part I: Analytical model, Annals of Nuclear Energy 193, 110057
6. C. Zeng, M. Liu*, W. Zhang, L. Liu, L. Liu, H. Gu, Development and validation of a one-dimensional solidification model—Part II: Model validation for molten lead-bismuth, Annals of Nuclear Energy 193, 110058
7. C. Shen, M. Liu*, Z. Xu, K. Cheng, L. Liu, H. Gu, Study on two-phase flow instability of parallel helical tubes in steam generator of small modular reactors, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 148, 107023
8. M. Liu, Y. Wei*, L. Wang, Z. Xiong, H. Gu, An Accident Diagnosis Method of Pressurized Water Reactor based on BI-LSTM Neural Network, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 155 (2023) 104512.
9. X. Wang, M. Liu*, C. Shen, L. Liu, H. Gu, Development of heat transfer correlation of turbulent forced convection in subchannels with rough surfaces based on CFD, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 181 (2023) 109542.
10. L. Liu, D. Zhu, M. Liu, D. Li, H. Guo, Y. Xiao, H. Gu, Investigation of the safety limits and the limiting safety system settings on a super carbon-dioxide cooled micro modular reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 180 (2023) 109484
11. C. Shen, L. Liu, Z. Xu, H. Gu, M. Liu*, Influence of helix angle on flow and heat transfer characteristics of lead-bismuth flow in helical-coiled tube bundles, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 180 (2023) 109483.
12. C. Zeng, Y. Song, X. Zhou, F. Zhang, M. Chao, M. Jiao, M. Liu*, H. Gu, Optimization of the thermal-hydraulic performance of zigzag-type microchannel heat exchangers using asymmetric geometry, Applied Thermal Engineering, 217 (2022) 119216.
13. Z. Xu, M. Chao, W. Zhang, F. Zhang, Y. Xiao, M. Liu*, Hanyang Gu, Experimental and numerical study of the thermal hydraulics characteristics of a helical-coiled once-through steam generator, Applied Thermal Engineering, 217 (2022) 119117.
14. M. Liu*, S. Ni, X. Wang, L. Liu, H. Gu, Experimental study on the natural circulation behavior of a full-scale PWR fuel assembly, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 174 (2022) 109172.
15. M. Liu*, S. Ni, X. Wang, L. Liu, H. Gu, Development of analytical models for the natural circulation behavior of a full-scale PWR fuel assembly, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 174 (2022) 109166.
16. M. Liu*, X. Wang, S. Ni, L. Liu, H. Gu, Development of friction factor correlations for hexagonal and square bundles with rough rods based on CFD, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 174 (2022) 109163.
17. C. Zeng, Y. Song, X. Zhou, F. Zhang, M. Jiao, M. Liu*, H. Gu, Experimental study on heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics in a microchannel heat exchanger assembly with S-shaped fins, Applied Thermal Engineering, (2022) 118406.
18. H. Zhao*, Q. Zhang, H. Gu, Y. Xiao, M. Liu, CFD investigation on thermal-hydraulic characteristics of a helical cruciform fuel bundle, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 148 (2022) 104228.
19. X. Zhou, C. Zeng, Y. Song, M. Jiao, F. Zhang*, M. Liu, Experimental study on heat transfer and flow resistance performance of a microchannel heat exchanger with zigzag flow channels, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 147 (2022) 104190.
20. Z. Xu, M. Liu*, C. Chen, Y. Xiao, H. Gua, Development of an analytical model for the dryout characteristic in helically coiled tubes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 186 (2022) 122423.
21. H. Zhao*, H. Gu, M. Liu, Y. Xiao, Numerical investigation of transverse flow and turbulent mixing in a helical cruciform fuel bundle, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 169 (2022) 108944.
22. J. Li, Z. Qi, K. Cao, M. Liu, Z. Yang, Y. Xiao, Z. Xiong, H. Gu, Experimental investigation on the heat removal capacity of secondary side passive residual heat removal system for an integrated reactor, Applied Thermal Engineering, 204 (2022) 117973.
23. M. Liu*, L. Wang, S. Ni, X. Wang, L. Liu, H. Gu, Experimental investigation on pressure drop of a PWR fuel assembly under low Re conditions, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 167 (2022) 108768.
24. C. Zeng, X. Chu, L. Liu, M. Liu*, H. Gu, Performance evaluation of DRACS system of molten salt reactors using a transient solidification model, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 386 (2022) 111565.
25. M. Liu*, C. Zeng, L. Liu, H. Gu, Evaluation of a freeze-tolerant decay heat removal system redundancy for fluoride salt-cooled high-temperature reactors (FHR), Annals of Nuclear Energy, 165 (2022) 108681.
26. M. Liu*, L. Wang, Y. Lee, Diagnosis of break size and location in LOCA and SGTR accidents using support vector machines, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 140 (2021) 103902.
27. Z. Xu, M. Liu*, Y. Xiao, H. Gu, Development of a RELAP5 model for the thermo-hydraulic characteristics simulation of the helically coiled tubes, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 153 (2021) 108032.
28. S. Ni, M. Liu*, H. Gu, Modeling and validation of RELAP5 for natural circulation flow in a single PWR fuel assembly, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 151 (2021) 107940.
29. SK Lee, M. Liu, NR Brown, KA Terrani, Y. Lee, Effect of heater material and thickness on the steady-state flow boiling critical heat flux, Nuclear Technology, 206 (2020) 339-346.
30. D. Chang, M. Liu, Youho Lee, Accident diagnosis of a PWR fuel pin during unprotected loss of flow accident with support vector machine, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 352 (2019)
31. M. Liu, J. Thurgood, Y. Lee*, DV Rao, Development of a two-regime heat conduction model for TRISO-based nuclear fuels, Journal of Nuclear Materials 519, 255-264 (2019)
32. C. Forsberg, D. Wang, E. Shwageraus, B. Mays, G. Parks, C. Coyle, M. Liu, Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (FHR) Using British Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor (AGR) Refueling Technology and Decay-Heat-Removal Systems that Prevent Salt Freezing, Nuclear Technology, 205 (2019) 1127-1142.
33. SK Lee, M. Liu, NR Brown, KA Terrani, ED Blandford, H Ban, CB Jensen, Y. Lee*, Comparison of steady and transient flow boiling critical heat flux for FeCrAl accident tolerant fuel cladding alloy, Zircaloy, and Inconel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132, 643-654 (2019).
34. M. Liu, S. Jung, H. Kim, Y. Lee*, Experimental and Analytical Investigation into Boiling Induced Thermal Stress: Its Impact on the Stress State of Oxide Scales of Nuclear Components, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 341, 66-72 (2019).
35. M. Liu, Y. Lee, DV Rao, Development of Effective Thermal Conductivity Model for Particle-Type Nuclear Fuels Randomly Embedded in a Matrix, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 508, 168-180 (2018).
36. M. Liu, J. Hughes, A. Ali, E. Blandford*, A concept design and accident analysis of direct reactor auxiliary cooling system (DRACS) for Fluoride Salt-cooled High-Temperature Reactors (FHRs), Nuclear Engineering and Design, 335, 54-70 (2018).
37. M. Liu, N. Brown, K. Terrani, A. Ali, E. Blandford*, D. Wachs, Potential impact of accident tolerant fuel cladding critical heat flux characteristics on the high temperature phase of reactivity initiated accidents, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 110, 48-62 (2017).