杨 洋 副教授 博士生导师

2001.09-2005.07 本科,上海大学物理系,应用物理学专业,学士学位
2005.09-2007.07 硕士,复旦大学现代物理研究所,原子与分子物理,转硕博连读
2007.09-2008.01 交换生,德国马普研究所,海德堡EBIT实验室(Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
2008.03-2011.07 博士,复旦大学现代物理研究所,原子与分子物理,博士学位
2011.07-2017.11 助理研究员,复旦大学现代物理研究所
2017.12-至今 副教授,复旦大学现代物理研究所
一. 面向等离子体诊断的精密离子光谱研究。研究方向包括:
1. 面向聚变等离子的高电荷态W,Mo,C,Fe,Ar等离子的VUV,EUV及X射线精密光谱的实验和理论研究。
2. 意外跃迁(Unexpected Transition)的实验和理论研究,包括面向天体物理的磁场诱导跃迁(MIT)和超精细诱导跃迁(HIT)研究等。
二. 精密光谱探测平台研制。研究方向包括:
1. VUV-EUV高精度光谱仪研制。
2. X射线晶体谱仪研制,极弱流强光谱提取分析算法研究。
《天使还是魔鬼-人类驯核记》本科生模块选修课 -(现代核科学与技术通论)
1. Guoqin Xu, Chenglong Yan, Qifeng Lu, Zhiming Tang, Yang Yang*, Wenxian Li, Shaokun Ma, Zihang Zhao, Shihan Huang, Liudi Song, Ran Si, Chongyang Chen, Xianyong Bai, Hui Tian, Jun Xiao*, Roger Hutton, and Yaming Zou, First Laboratory Measurement of Magnetic-field-induced Transition Effect in FeX at Different Magnetic Fields, The Astrophysical Journal 937 48 (2022), SCI, IF 5.521
2. J.Rzadkiewicz*, Y. Yang*, K. Koziol, M. G. O’Mullane, A. Patel, J. Xiao, K. Yao, Y. Shen, D. Lu, R. Hutton, Y. Zou, and JET Contributors, High-resolution tungsten spectroscopy relevant to the diagnostic of high-temperature tokamak plasmas, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 97 052501 (2018), SCI, IF 2.808
3. Y. Yang, J. Xiao, D. Lu, Y. Shen, K. Yao, C. Chen, R. Hutton*, and Y. Zou, A high precision flat crystal spectrometer compatible for ultra-high vacuum light source, Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 113108 (2017), SCI, IF 1.515.
4. W. Li, Y. Yang, B. Tu, J. Xiao, J. Grumer, T. Brage, T. Watanabe, R. Hutton*, and Y. Zou, Atomic-level pseudo-degeneracy of atomic levels giving transitions induced by magnetic fields, of importance for determining the field strengths in the solar corona, Astrophysical Journal 826, 219 (2016), SCI, IF 5.533.
5. W. Li, J. Grumer, Y. Yang, T. Brage, K. Yao, C.Chen, T. Watanabe, P. Jönsson, H. Lundstedt, R. Hutton*, and Y. Zou, A novel method to determine magnetic fields in low-density plasma facilitated through accidental degeneracy of quantum states in Fe 9+, Astrophysical Journal 807, 69 (2015), SCI, IF 5.909.
6. Wenxian Li, Zhan Shi, Yang Yang, Jun Xiao, Tomas Brage, Roger Hutton, and Yaming Zou, Tungsten spectroscopy in the EUV range observed at a high-temperature superconducting electron-beam ion trap, Physical Review A 91, 062501 (2015), SCI,IF 2.808.
7. Zhan Shi, Ruifeng Zhao, Wenxian Li, Bingsheng Tu, Yang Yang*, Jun Xiao, Sven Huldt, Roger Hutton, and Yaming Zou, A portable high-resolution soft x-ray and extreme ultraviolet spectrometer designed for the Shanghai EBIT and the Shanghai low energy EBITs, Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 063110 (2014), SCI, IF 1.584.
8. D. Lu, Y. Yang, J. Xiao, Y. Shen, Y. Fu, B. Wei, K. Yao, R. Hutton, and Y. Zou, Upgrade of the electron beam ion trap in Shanghai, Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 093301 (2014), SCI, IF 1.584.
9. Jiguang Li, Tomas Brage, Per Jönsson, and Yang Yang, Magnetic-field-dependent angular distributions and linear polarizations of emissions from the 2p53s 3P2 state in Ne-like ions, Physical Review A 90, 035404 (2014), SCI, IF 2.991.
10. Jiguang Li, Jon Grumer, Wenxian Li, Martin Andersson, Tomas Brage, Roger Hutton, Per Jönsson, Yang Yang*, and Yaming Zou, Theoretical investigation of magnetic-field-induced 2p53s 3P0,2 - 2p6 1S0 transitions in Ne-like ions without nuclear spin, Physical Review A 88, 013416 (2013) SCI, IF 3.042.
11. Y. Yang, Z. Shi, Z. Fei, X. Jin, J. Xiao, R. Hutton and Y. Zou, Configuration and calibration of a flat field grating spectrometer in the wavelength range 7–60Å with a Manson ultrasoft x-ray source, Physica Scripta T144, 014064 (2011)
1. Yang Yang,Yaming Zou,Electron Beam Ion Trap: Principles and Applications to HCI Spectroscopy, Chapter 2 in 'Handbook For Highly Charged Ion Spectroscopic Research', CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Inc, (2011).
1. Fe9+离子3s23p4 3d 4D7/2与4D5/2能级差的精确测定(11704076),国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,在研 (2018)
2. Ne–Ca K壳空心原子Kαα线伴线结构的实验研究(U1732140), 国家自然科学基金大科学装置联合基金培育项目(与兰州近物所联合申请),复旦大学方负责人,在研 (2018)
3. 面向核聚变的原子分子数据库的数据验证及修正(2015GB117000),科技部ITER计划专项,子项目负责人,在研 (2015)
4. 基于EBIT的等离子体密度诊断精细光谱研究,复旦大学自主科研项目,主持,已结项 (2014)
5. 磁场诱导跃迁研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与,骨干成员,已结项 (2011)
6. 托卡马克等离子体与壁材料相互作用研究,科技部ITER计划专项,参与,骨干成员,已结项 (2009)
2017年9月 中国成都 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics
报告题目:Magnetic Field Induced Transitions in Highly Charged Ions
报告类型:Invited talk
2016年12月 奥地利维也纳 联合国原子能机构IAEA52452技术会议
报告题目:KLL dielectronic recombination resonant strengths of He-like up to O-like tungsten ions
报告类型:Selected Report
2016年9月 韩国群山 20th ADAS Workshop
报告题目:Preliminary Investigation of W45+, W46+ spectra by using SH-EBIT for Tokamak diagnostic
报告类型:Contributed Talk
2016年7月 中国成都 6th China-Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasma
报告题目:Simulating a Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution in SH-HTSC EBIT
报告类型:Contributed Talk
2014年9月 波兰华沙 18th ADAS-Workshop
报告题目:New measurements and calculations of Low Charged Tungsten in Shanghai EBIT Laboratory
报告类型:Contributed Talk
2014年9月 德国耶拿 9th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications
报告题目:EUV Spectroscopy of Tungsten Observed in SH-Htsc EBIT and related Calculations
报告类型:Selected Report
2013年8月 比利时蒙斯 11th International Colloquium on Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
报告题目:Experimental and Calculational Forbidden Line Spectroscopy of Tungsten in Charge States 25, 26 and 27+
报告类型:Contributed Talk
2013年7月 中国兰州 28th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions
报告题目:Magnetic field induced transition in Ne and Be like ions for plasma diagnostic and E1M1 two photon decay rate determination
报告类型:Selected Report
2012年1月 意大利的里雅斯特 ICTP-IAEA联合会议
报告题目:Measurements of the electron beam density in Shanghai EBIT
报告类型:Oral Report
2017年8月 吉林长春 第十九届全国原子与分物理学术会议
2014年7月 湖北武汉 原子与分子精密谱研讨会