符长波 教授

2007年毕业于美国Texas A&M Univ.,获博士学位;2007--2011年于美国国家标准技术研究院(NIST)、印第安纳大学从事博士后研究;2012--2019年于上海交通大学物理与天文学院任教,历任特别研究员、东方学者特聘教授;2019--至今,加入复旦大学现代物理研究所。
1.Wei Ji, Yao Chen*, Changbo Fu*, et al., New experimental limits on exotic spin-spin-velocity-dependent interactions by using SmCo 5 spin sources,Phys. Rev. Lett121(2018)261803
2.Xiaogpeng zhang ; Weiqing Wei; Changbo Fu* ; et al.., Demonstration of laser-produced neutron diagnostic by radiative capture gamma- rays, Review of Scientific Instruments, 89(2018)023505~023505;
3.Changbo Fu; Xuangyi Cui; Xiaopeng Zhou; et al., Spin-Dependent Weakly-Interacting-Massive-Particle–Nucleon Cross Section Limits from First Data of PandaX-II Experiment, Physical Review Letters, 118(2017) 071301
4.Fu, Changbo; Zhou, Xiaopeng ; Chen, Xun;et al., Limits on Axion Couplings from the First 80 Days of Data of the PandaX-II Experiment , Physical Review Letters, 119(2017)181806.
5.Zhang, Xiaopeng; Zhao, Jiarui; Yuan, Dawei; Fu, Changbo*; etl al., Deuteron-deuteron fusion in laser-driven counter-streaming collisionless plasmas , Physical Review C, 96(2017)055801
6.W. Ji, C. B. Fu*, and H. Gao*, Searching for new spin-dependent interactions with SmCo5 spin sources and a spin-exchange-relaxation-free comagnetometer, Phy. Rev. D 95, 075014 (2017)
7.Xuming Wang, Xun Chen, Changbo Fu*, Xiangdong Ji, Xiang Liu, Yajun Mao, Hongwei Wang, Siguang Wang, Pengwei Xie, Tao Zhang, Material screening with HPGe counting station for PandaX experiment, Journal of Instrumentation 12(2017)T12002.
8.Zhao, J. R. ; Zhang, X. P.; Yuan, D. W.; Li, Y. T.; Li, D. Z.; Rhee, Y. J.; Zhang, Z.; Li, F.; Zhu, B. J.; Li, Yan F.; Han, B.; Liu, C.; Ma, Y.; Li, Yi F.; Tao, M. Z.; Li, M. H.; Guo, X.; Huang, X. G.; Fu, S. Z.; Zhu, J. Q.; Zhao, G.; Chen, L. M.*; Fu, C. B* ; Zhang, J., A novel laser-collider used to produce monoenergetic 13.3 MeV Li-7 (d, n) neutrons, Scientific Reports,6(2016)27363
9.Zhao, J. R. ; Zhang, X. P.; Yuan, D. W.; Chen, L. M.*; Li, Y. T.; Fu, C. B.* ; Rhee, Y. J.; Li, F.; Zhu, B. J.; Li, Yan. F.; Liao, G. Q.; Zhang, K.; Han, B.; Liu, C.; Huang, K.; Ma, Y.; Li, Yi. F.; Xiong, J.; Huang, X. G.; Fu, S. Z.; Zhu, J. Q.; Zhao, G.; Zhang, J., Neutron yield enhancement in laser-induced deuterium-deuterium fusion using a novel shaped target, Review of Scientific Instruments, 86(2015)063505
10.Fu, Changbo; Li, Yutong; Zhang, Ji, Laser-driven plasma collider for nuclear studies, Science Bulletin, 60(2015)1211
11.Yan, H. ; Sun, G. A.; Peng, S. M.; Zhang, Y.; Fu, C.; Guo, H.; Liu, B. Q., Searching for New Spin- and Velocity-Dependent Interactions by Spin Relaxation of Polarized He-3 Gas, Physical Review Letters, 115(2016)
12.M. Bulatowicz, R. Griffith, M. Larsen, and J. Mirijanian, C. B. Fu, E. Smith, W. M. Snow, and H. Yan, Laboratory Search for a Long-Range T-Odd, P-Odd Interaction from Axionlike Particles Using Dual-Species Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with Polarized 129Xe and 131Xe Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett.111, (2013) 102001
13.V. Thampy, J. Kang, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, W. Bao, A. T. Savici, J. Hu, T. J. Liu, B. Qian, D. Fobes, Z. Q. Mao, C. B. Fu, W. C. Chen, Q. Ye, R. W. Erwin, T. R. Gentile, Z. Tesanovic, and C. Broholm,Friedel-Like Oscillations from Interstitial Iron in Superconducting Fe1+yTe0.62Se0.38, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, ( 2012) 107002