2023.04-至今 复旦大学 青年研究员
2020.08-2023.04 美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 一级科学家
2018.08-2020.08 美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 博士后
2013.09-2018.07 复旦大学 博士
2009.09-2013.07 复旦大学 本科
MDPI Materials 主题编辑
Frontiers in Materials 编辑
Nuclear Science,Science Research 编委
中国核物理学会反应堆物理与核材料专委会 委员
中国核学会辐照效应分会 理事
上海市核工业系统专家委员会 委员/核技术应用组 副组长
国家自然科学基金 项目评审专家
中国博士后科学基金 评审专家
2022 上海市“领军人才”
2021 上海市“千人计划”
1. 反应堆结构材料的制备、辐照及腐蚀效应
2. 聚变堆等离子体与壁相互作用
3. 离子束分析技术及其应用
4. 材料力学性能提升及机理研究
1. 高熵陶瓷的预存缺陷调控 国家自然科学基金 面上项目 2025-2028 主持
2. 核材料的辐照与腐蚀效应 国家自然科学基金 优秀青年科学基金 2023-2026 主持
3. 稀土掺杂铝合金设计原理及制备研究 2023-2025 主持
4. 锆合金水腐蚀过程中的微观结构与机理研究 2022-2025 主持
近5年代表性论文(*通讯作者) :
发表论文逾50篇,其中包括Nature Materials 2篇,Science Advances 2篇,Nature Communications 2篇,Acta Materialia 10篇。
1. Hongliang Zhang*, Ranran Su, Benoit Queylat, Taeho Kim, Shuguang Wei, Xuanxin Hu, Antoine Ambard, and Adrien Couet. Synergistic effects of Ultraviolet radiation and corrosion on Zr alloys. Acta Materialia (2024): 119943.
2. Bonita Goh , Yafei Wang, Phalgun Nelaturu, Hongliang Zhang, Michael Moorehead, Thien Duong et al. Nobility vs. mobility: Insights into molten salt corrosion mechanisms of high-entropy alloys via high-throughput experiments and machine learning. Matter (2024).
3. Yafei Wang, Aeli P. Olson, Cody Falconer, Brian Kelleher, Ivan Mitchell, Hongliang Zhang, et al. Radionuclide tracing based in situ corrosion and mass transport monitoring of 316L stainless steel in a molten salt closed loop. Nature Communications 15, no. 1 (2024): 3106.
4. Li, Cong, Xiao-Wa Wang, Ran-Ran Su, Xuan-Xin Hu, Shu-Guang Wei, Han-Jun Tu, Li-Qun Shi, and Hongliang Zhang*. Deuterium distribution and behavior of blisters in pre-damaged and undamaged tungsten. Tungsten (2024): 1-10.
5. Shuguang Wei, Muhammad Waqas Qureshi, Jianqi Xi, Jun Young Kim, Xing Wang, Jingrui Wei, Ranran Su, Longfei Liu, William O. Nachlas, John H. Perepezko, Hongliang Zhang*, Izabela Szlufarska Radiation induced segregation in titanium diboride. Acta Materialia (2024): 119739.
6. Jianqi Xi, Hongliang Zhang*, Ranran Su, Shuguang Wei, Xuanxin Hu, Benoit Queylat, Taeho Kim, Adrien Couet, and Izabela Szlufarska. Coupling of radiation and grain boundary corrosion in SiC. npj Materials Degradation 8, no. 1 (2024): 16.
7. Hongliang Zhang*, Ranran Su, Benoit Queylat, Taeho Kim, Gene Lucadamo, et al. 3D reconstruction and interconnectivity quantification of the nano-porosity in the oxide layer of corroded Zr alloys. Corrosion Science 226 (2024): 111630.
8. Xuanxin Hu, Nuohao Liu, Vrishank Jambur, Siamak, Ranran Su, Hongliang Zhang*, Jianqi Xi, Hubin Luo, John Perepezko, and Izabela Szlufarska. Amorphous shear bands in crystalline materials as drivers of plasticity. Nature Materials (2023): 1-7.
9. Zefeng Yu, Hongliang Zhang, Anton Schneider, Taeho Kim, Yongfeng Zhang, Sten Lambeets, Arun Devaraj, and Adrien Couet. Irradiation damage reduces alloy corrosion rate via oxide space charge compensation effects. Acta Materialia 253 (2023): 118956.
10. Ranran Su, Hongliang Zhang, Gaoyuan Ouyang, Longfei Liu, Duane D. Johnson, and John H. Perepezko*. Oxidation mechanism in a refractory multiple-principal-element alloy at high temperature. Acta Materialia 246 (2023): 118719.
11. Cody Falconer, Hongliang Zhang, Kumar Sridharan, and Adrien Couet. Novel pyrolytic boron nitride coating to reduce graphite interactions in molten fluoride salt. Corrosion Science 220 (2023): 111292.
12. Ranran Su, Hongliang Zhang, Longfei Liu, and John H. Perepezko. Boron capture stabilizing the diffusion barriers in a two-step Mo-Si-B coated Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloy. Corrosion Science (2023): 111365.
13. Kuan-Yu Chen, Prabhat K. Tripathy, Kunal Mondal, Hongliang Zhang, and Joseph B. Andrews. Solution Processed Schottky Diodes Enabled by Silicon Carbide Nanowires for Harsh Environment Applications. Nano Letters 23, no. 7 (2023): 2816-2821.
14. Su, R., J. R. Becker, L. Liu, H. Zhang, X. Hu, and J. H. Perepezko. Phase Stability During High-Temperature Oxidation. JOM (2023): 1-8.
15. Ranran Su, Liqun Shi, John H. Perepezko, and Hongliang Zhang*. Helium-driven element depletion and phase transformation in irradiated Ti3SiC2 at high temperature. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 43, no. 8 (2023): 3104-3111.
16. Hongliang Zhang*, Taeho Kim, Jadin Swarts, Zefeng Yu, Ranran Su*, Longfei Liu, William Howland, Gene Lucadamo, and Adrien Couet. Nano-Porosity effects on Corrosion Rate of Zr Alloys Using Nanoscale Microscopy Coupled to Machine Learning. Corrosion Science (2022): 110660.
17. Jun Young Kim, Hongliang Zhang*, Ranran Su, Jianqi Xi, Shuguang Wei, Peter Richardson, Longfei Liu, Erich Kisi, John H. Perepezko, and Izabela Szlufarska. Defect recovery processes in Cr-B binary and Cr-Al-B MAB phases: structure-dependent radiation tolerance. Acta Materialia 235 (2022): 118099.
18. Jun Young Kim, Hongliang Zhang, Jianqi Xi, and Izabela Szlufarska. Trends in the Behavior of Point Defects in MB and MAB Phases. Chemistry of Materials 34, no. 17 (2022): 7807-7816.
19. Ranran Su, Hongliang Zhang, and Liqun Shi. Irradiation effects on Ti2AlC thin films. Nuclear Science and Engineering (2022).
20. Dongya Zhang, Peter Richardson, Hanjun Tu, John O’Connor, Erich Kisi, Hongliang Zhang*. Radiation damage of MoAlB at elevated temperatures: Investigating MAB phases as potential neutron shielding materials. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 42, no. 4 (2022): 1311-1321.
21. Longfei Liu, Chunchang Shi, Chenyu Zhang, Ranran Su, Hongliang Zhang, Paul M. Voyles, and John H. Perepezko. The effect of Al on the oxidation behavior of Mo-6Si-12B-(1, 2, 4, 8) Al alloys. Corrosion Science 208 (2022): 110677.
22. Shuguang Wei, Hongliang Zhang*, Tangpatjaroen, J. Tarnsangpradit, A. D. Usta, M. Eriten, J. H. Perepezko, and I. Szlufarska. Wear-induced microstructural evolution of ultra-fine grained (UFGs) aluminum. Acta Materialia (2021): 116787.
23. Ranran Su, Hongliang Zhang*, Haiming Wen*, Liqun Shi*. Reversible phase transformation in Ti2AlC films during helium ion irradiation and subsequent annealing, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021
24. Ranran Su, Hongliang Zhang, Gaoyuan Ouyang, Longfei Liu, Will Nachlas, Jun Cui, Duane D. Johnson, John H. Perepezko. Enhanced Oxidation Resistance of (Mo95W5)85Ta10(TiZr)5 Refractory Metal Multi-Principal Element Alloy up to 1300°C. Acta Materialia, 2021
25. Hongliang Zhang*, Ranran Su, Izabela Szlufarska, Haiming Wen*, Liqun Shi. Helium effects and bubbles formation in irradiated Ti3SiC2, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 41, no. 1 (2021): 252-258.
26. Hongliang Zhang*, Jianqi Xi, Ranran Su, Xuanxin Hu, Shuguang Wei, Jun Young Kim, Izabela Szlufarska*, Enhancing the phase stability of ceramics under radiation via multilayer engineering. Science Advances, 2021
27. Jun Young Kim, Jianqi Xi, Hongliang Zhang, and Izabela Szlufarska. Defect chemistry of Cr-B binary and Cr-Al-B MAB phases: Effects of covalently bonded B networks. Physical Review Materials 5, no. 11 (2021): 113603.
28. Michael Moorehead, Benoit Queylat, Hongliang Zhang, Kim Kriewaldt, and Adrien Couet. Development of a versatile, high-temperature, high-throughput ion irradiation system. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A (2021): 165892
29. Shuguang Wei, Chaiyapat Tangpatjaroen, Hongliang Zhang, and Izabela Szlufarska. Microstructural Evolution of Ultra-Fine Grained (UFGs) Aluminum in Tribological Contacts. In Light Metals 2021, pp. 257-262. Springer, Cham, 2021.
30. Xing Wang#, Hongliang Zhang#, Tomonori Baba, Hao Jiang, Cheng Liu, Yingxin Guan, Omar Elleuch et al. Radiation-induced segregation in a ceramic. Nature Materials. 2020, 1-7.
31. Hongliang Zhang*, Jun Young Kim, Ranran Su, Peter Richardson, Jianqi Xi, Erich Kisi, John O'Connor, Liqun Shi, and Izabela Szlufarska. Defect behavior and radiation tolerance of MAB phases (MoAlB and Fe2AlB2) with comparison to MAX phases. Acta Materialia 196 (2020): 505-515.
32. Christos Athanasiou, Hongliang Zhang, Cristina Ramirez, Jianqi Xi, Tomonori Baba, Xing Wang, Wei Zhang, Nitin P. Padture, Izabela Szlufarska, and Brian W. Sheldon. High toughness carbon-nanotube-reinforced ceramics via ion-beam engineering of interfaces. Carbon 163 (2020): 169-177.
33. Hubin Luo, Hongliang Zhang, Hongwei Sheng, J. Ping Liu, and Izabela Szlufarska. Amorphous shear bands in SmCo5. Materials Science and Engineering: A 785 (2020): 139340.
34. Hubin Luo, Hongwei Sheng, Hongliang Zhang, et al. Plasticity without dislocations in a polycrystalline intermetallic[J]. Nature communications, 2019, 10(1): 1-8. First experimental author
35. Ranran Su#, Hongliang Zhang#, Liqun Shi, and Haiming Wen. Formation of nanostructures in Ti2AlC induced by high-temperature helium irradiation. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, 39(6): 1993-2002.