2023.01 至今:复旦大学,青年研究员
2023 中国科协青年人才托举计划
2023 上海市领军人才(海外)
2019 中国科学院院长特别奖
• 内蒙古自治区新能源装备科技创新重大示范工程项目——固态储氢装置及氢储能系统自动控制研究,24万元,2023-2026,主持,在研
• 复旦大学引进人才科研启动经费,100万元,2023-2029,主持,在研
• 中国科协青年托举计划项目——新型核材料,2023-2026,30万元,主持,在研
• 军事科学院“慧眼行动”项目——新型功能/结构一体化中子和γ射线屏蔽材料-MAB相化合物,200万元,2023-2024,骨干参与,在研
• 国家稀土功能材料创新中心应用转化项目——新型功能/结构一体化射线屏蔽材料应用示范线建设, 500万元,2023-2024,骨干参与,在研
• 德国研究中心亥姆霍兹协会KIT聚变堆研究专项,67万元,2019-2022,主持,结题
1. 核能材料的辐照效应及损伤修复策略
2. 辐照缺陷演化理论模拟
3. 功能结构一体化中子/伽马射线屏蔽材料
代表性学术论文 (*通讯作者):
1. D.Y. Zhang, P. Richardson, M. Wang, L.P. He, L.Q. Shi*, J. Gao*, Experimental and theoretical investigation of the damage evolution of irradiated MoAlB and WAlB MAB phases, J. Alloy. Compd. 942 (2023) 169099.
2. J. Gao*, Q. Yuan, E. Gaganidze, J. Aktaa, On the shrinkage of neutron irradiation-induced cavities in Eurofer97 steel upon heating, Philos. Mag. 103 (2023) 240.
3. J. Gao*, E. Gaganidze, J. Aktaa, Relative population of 1/2<111> and <100> interstitial loops in alpha-Fe under irradiation: Effects of C15 cluster stability and loop one-dimensional movement, Acta Mater. 233 (2022) 117983.
4. J. Gao*, E. Gaganidze, J. Aktaa, Parameterization on formation free energy of dislocation loops up to 1100 K in bcc iron, J. Nucl. Mater. 559 (2022) 153409.
5. J. Gao*, E. Gaganidze, B. Kaiser, J. Aktaa, Evolution mechanisms of irradiation-induced helium bubbles, C15 clusters and dislocation loops in ferrite/martensite steels: A cluster dynamics modeling study, J. Nucl. Mater. 557 (2021) 153212.
6. J. Gao*, E. Gaganidze, B. Kaiser, J. Aktaa, Integrated modeling of helium-vacancy clustering in Eurofer97 steel upon He+/Fe3+ dual ion beam irradiation, J. Nucl. Mater. 547 (2021) 152822.
7. J. Gao, H.F. Huang*, J.Z. Liu, Z.B. Zhu, Y. Li*, Irradiation-induced hexagonal precipitates and their coupling with the evolution of helium bubbles, J. Appl. Phys. 125 (2019) 055901.
8. J. Gao, H.F. Huang*, J.Z. Liu, J.R. Zeng*, R.B. Xie, Y. Li*, Coalescence mechanism of helium bubble during tensile deformation revealed by in situ small-angle X-ray scattering, Scr. Mater. 158 (2019) 121-125.
9. J. Gao, H.F. Huang*, J.Z. Liu, Q.T Lei, C.J. Wang, Z.B. Han, G. Yang, Y. Li*, Helium release and lattice swelling in nickel foil irradiated by multiply-energy helium ions, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. B 450 (2019) 108.
10. J. Gao, H.F. Huang*, X. Liu, C.B. Wang, J.F. Stubbins, Y. Li*, A special coarsening mechanism for intergranular helium bubbles upon heating: A combined experimental and numerical study, Scr. Mater. 147 (2018) 93-97.
11. J. Gao, H.F. Huang*, J.Z. Liu, R.D. Liu, Q.T Lei, Y. Li*, Synergistic effects on microstructural evolution and hardening of the Hastelloy N alloy under subsequent He and Xe ion irradiation, J. Appl. Phys. 123 (2018) 205901.
12. J. Gao, H.F. Huang*, X. Liu, Xin Ou, W.X. Wang, G. Yang, Y. Li*, Helium ion irradiation-induced microstructure evolution on the surfaces of thin nickel foils, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. B 428 (2018) 24.