
宁西京, 教授,博士生导师,1959年出生于陕西渭南下吉(下邽)镇牛角庙村(故名牛家寨村, 曾用名春光大队),1978年10月至1982年7月就读于西北大学物理系理论物理专业,1993年9月至1996年7月于中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所攻读博士学位,获理学博士学位,1996年9月至1998年7月于复旦大学激光化学研究所做博士后研究,此后留该所任教至1999年11月,同年12月调入复旦大学现代物理研究所任教至今,期间2004年9月至2005年7月,于美国哈佛大学做博士后研究。
宁西京 量子力学衍义,科学出版社,2012,北京
[1] Y. G. Xu, C. Ming, Z.-Z. Lin, F. X. Meng, J. Zhuang, X. J. Ning*, Can graphynes turn into grapheme at room temperature, Carbon, 73 (2014)283-290.
[2] C. Ming, F.X. Meng, X. Chen, J. Zhuang, X. J. Ning*, Tuning the electronic and optical properties of monatomic carbon chains, Carbon, 68 (2014) 487-492.
[3] Z. Z. Lin, W. Y. Li, X. J. Ning*, A statistical model for predicting thermal chemical reaction rate, Chin. Phys. B, 23 (2014), 050501.
[4] F.X. Meng, C. Ming, J. Zhuang, X. J. Ning*, Dependence of electronic rectification in carbon nanocone devices upon electrode materials, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46 (2013) 055309.
[5] W.-F. Yu, Z.-Z. Lin, X. J. Ning*, Mass dependence of the Soret coefficient for atomic diffusion in condensed matter, Physical Review E, 87 (2013) 062311.
[5] C. Ming, Z.Z. Lin, J. Zhuang, X. J. Ning*, Electronic rectification devices from carbon nanocones, Appl. Phys. Lett., 100 (2012) 063119.
[6] C. Ming, Z.Z. Lin, R.G. Cao, W.F. Yu, X. J. Ning*, A scheme for fabricating single wall carbon nanocones standing on metal surfaces and an evaluation of their stability, Carbon, 50 (2012) 2651-2656.
[7] Z.Z. Lin, J. Zhuang, X. J. Ning*, High-efficient tunable infrared laser from monatomic carbon chains, Epl, 97 (2012) 27006.
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[9] Z.Z. Lin, X. Chen, C. Yin, H. Tang, Y.C. Hu, X. J. Ning*, Theoretical prediction of the growth and surface structure of Pt and Ni nanoparticles, Epl, 96 (2011) 66005.
[10] X.X. Ye, X.F. Gong, Y.Q. Xie, W.F. Yu, J. Zhuang, W.X. Zhang, W.M. Wang, X. J. Ning*, Predicting the melting temperatures of bulk materials, Epl, 91 (2010) 46001.
[11] B.Y. Ning, J.S. Ma, J. Zhuang, X. J. Ning*, Realization of quantum single pendulum on macroscopic level, Acta Physica Sinica, 59 (2010) 1456-1461.
[12] Z.Z. Lin, J. Zhuang, X. J. Ning*, Multi-photon resonance enhanced super high-order harmonic generation, Chinese physics B, 19 (2010) 113204.
[13] Z.Z. Lin, C. Ming, Y. Wang, W.X. Zhang, J. Zhuang, X. J. Ning*, Excitation of large-scale delocalized quantum state by local interactions, Epl, 92 (2010) 17005.
[14] X.J. Han, Y. Wang, Z.Z. Lin, W.X. Zhang, J. Zhuang, X. J. Ning*, Statistical model for small clusters transforming from one isomer to another, Journal of Chemical Physics, 132 (2010) 064103.
[15] C. Yin,X. J. Ning*, J. Zhuang, Y.Q. Xie, X.F. Gong, X.X. Ye, C. Ming, Y.F. Jin, Shape prediction of two-dimensional adatom islands on crystal surfaces during homoepitaxial growth, Appl. Phys. Lett., 94 (2009) 183107.
[16] X.X. Ye, C. Ming, Y.C. Hu,X. J. Ning*, Evaluating the ability to form single crystal, Journal of Chemical Physics, 130 (2009) 164711.
[17] Y.Q. Xie, L.X. Ma, P. Zhang, X.L. Cai, W.X. Zhang, F.X. Gan, X.J. Ning, J. Zhuang, Reversible atomic modification of nanostructures on surfaces using direction-depended tip-surface interaction with a trimer-apex tip, Appl. Phys. Lett., 95 (2009) 073105.
[18] Y. Wang, Z.Z. Lin, W.X. Zhang, J. Zhuang,X. J. Ning*, Pulling long linear atomic chains from graphene: Molecular dynamics simulations, Physical Review B, 80 (2009) 233403.
[19] X.F. Gong, G.X. Yang, Y.H. Fu, Y.Q. Xie, J. Zhuang, X. J. Ning*, First-principles study of Ni/Ni3Al interface strengthening by alloying elements, Computational Materials Science, 47 (2009) 320-325.
[20] X.F. Gong, G.X. Yang, Y.H. Fu, C. Ming, Y.Q. Xie, J. Zhuang,X. J. Ning*, Solute diffusion in the gamma ' phase of Ni based alloys, Computational Materials Science, 47 (2009) 232-236.
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[22] Y. Wang,X. J. Ning*, Z.Z. Lin, P. Li, J. Zhuang, Preparation of long monatomic carbon chains: Molecular dynamics studies, Physical Review B, 76 (2007) 165423.
[23] J. Gao, Z.Z. Lin,X. J. Ning*, Isomers of C-36 and free energy criteria for cluster growth, Journal of Chemical Physics, 126 (2007) 174309.
[24] P. Li, T. Nakajima,X. J. Ning*, Spectral properties of a V-type three-level atom driven by two bichromatic fields, Physical Review A, 74 (2006) 043408.
[25] X.F. Gong, B. Hu,X. J. Ning*, J. Zhuang, Decay mechanism of double-layer islands on close-packed surfaces: Silver on Ag(111) and copper on Cu(111), Thin Solid Films, 493 (2005) 146-151.
[26] X. J. Ning*, Removing population trapping in a five-level system with fast decay, Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 20 (2003) 2363-2367.
[27] X.J. Ning, Q.Z. Qin, Matrix effects on the mobility of oxygen atoms in different states, Journal of Chemical Physics, 114 (2001) 9969-9974.
[28] B. Liu,X. J. Ning*, Scheme for multistep resonance photoionization of atoms, Physical Review A, 64 (2001) 013401.
[29] X .J. Ning, L.N. Zhang, M.H. Chen, Q.Z. Qin, Mobility of oxygen atoms generated from photolysis of O-3 isolated in argon matrices, Journal of Chemical Physics, 112 (2000) 386-395.
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[32] X. J. Ning, Q.Z. Qin, Trapping site structures of O-3 isolated in argon matrices, Journal of Chemical Physics, 111 (1999) 7047-7052.
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