2004年至今 复旦大学物现代物理所(核科学与技术系)
我们的研究兴趣包括:1.围绕真空激光加速相关问题开展理论探索 2.强激光对中性粒子操控的理论方案及机制研究 3.研究特殊光场结构和分布等
国家自然科学基金面上项目:强激光压缩电子束及相关问题研究 主持,已结题
国家自然科学基金面上项目:时-频域调制光场加速带电粒子 主持,已结题
教育部新世纪人才计划 主持,已结题
1. P. X. Wang, Y. K. Ho*, X. Q. Yuan, Q. Kong, N. Cao, A. M. Sessler, E. Esarey, Y. Nishida,
“Vacuum Electron Acceleration by an Intense Laser”,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 78(15), 2253(2001).
2. P. X. Wang, Y. K. Ho*, X. Q. Yuan, Q. Kong, A. M. Sessler, E. Esarey, E. Moshkovich, Y. Nishida, N. Yugami, H. Ito,
J. X. Wang, and S. Scheid,
“Characteristics of laser-driven electron acceleration in vacuum”,
J. Appl. Phys. 91(2), 856(2002).
3. P. X. Wang* and J. X. Wang,
“Classical field descriptions for ultrashort tightly-focused laser pulses”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 81(23), 4473(2002).
4. P. X. Wang*, Ch. X. Tang and Sh. J. Huang,
“Multimode combined intense laser-induced electron acceleration and violent bunch compression”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 82(17), 2752(2003).
5. Sh. J. Huang, Ch. X. Tang and P. X. Wang*,
“Characteristics of multimode combined intense laser-induced electron acceleration and violent bunch compression”
J. Appl. Phys. 95(4), 2163(2004).
6. W. Wang, P. X. Wang*, Y. K. Ho, Q. Kong, Z. Chen, Y. Gu and S. J. Wang,
“Field description and electron acceleration of focused flattened Gaussian laser beams”
Europhys. Lett., 73 (2), 211(2006).
7. P. X. Wang*, G. L. Long and Y. S. Li
“Scheme for a quantum random number generator”
J. Appl. Phys.100(5), 056107(2006).
8. P. X. Wang*, W. Scheid and Y. K. Ho
“Electron Capture Acceleration Channel in a Slit Laser Beam”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 90(11), 111113(2007).
9. P.X. Wang*, Y. K. Ho, Ch. X. Tang and W. Wang
“Field Structure and electron acceleration in a laser beam of high-order Hermite-Gaussian mode”
J. Appl. Phys. 101(8),083113(2007).
10. P.X. Wang*, S. Kawata and Y. K. Ho
“Simulations of vacuum laser acceleration: Hidden errors from particle’s initial positions”
Optics Express, 18(13), 14145-14151(2010).
11. C. J. Yuan, X. Y. Wu, J. X. Wang and P. X. Wang*,
“Analysis in the instantaneous frequency forms of a chirped laser pulse”
Phys. Plasma 18(10), 104509 (2011)
12. P. X. Wang*, J. X. Wang, Y. K. Ho, W. Scheid and H. Hora,
“Relating theprobability distribution of a de Broglie wave to its phase velocity”
Chinese Sci. Bull.57(13) 1494-1498(2012). (Cover story of 《物理》)
13. X. Y. Wu, P. X. Wang* and S. Kawata
“Mechanism of electron acceleration by chirped laser pulse”
Appl. Phys. Lett.100(22), 221109 (2012).
14. Q. Song, X. Y. Wu, J. X. Wang, S. Kawata andP. X. Wang*
“Peculiarities of laser phase behavior witnessed by the accelerated electron in a chirped laser pulse”
Phys. Plasma21(5), 054503 (2014).
15. P. X. Wang*, Q. Wei, P. Cai, J. X. Wang and Y. K. Ho,
“Neutral particles pushed or pulled by laser pulses”
Optics Lett. 41(2), 230(2016).
16. J. H. Chen, J. F. Wang, X. F. Li, X. Q. Yuan and P. X. Wang*
“Distribution of Rydberg atoms acceleration by a laser pulse”
J. Appl. Phys.121(10), 103105 (2017).
17. P. Cai, J. J. Zha, Y. J. Xie, Q. Wei* and P. X. Wang*
“Rydberg atom acceleration by tightly-focused intense laser pulses”
Phys. Rev. A, 99(5), 053401 (2019).
18. J. J. Zha, Z. H. Qin, J. Y. Yan, N. Cao, Q. Wei and P. X. Wang
“High-order correction calculation for survival of Rydberg atoms in intense laser fields”
Results in Phys. 22, 103594(2021).
19. J. J. Zha, Z. H. Qin, N. Cao, Q.Wei* and P. X. Wang*
“Effects of the noninteger-cycle pulse and the initial phase on the Magnus approximation to study Rydberg atoms in intense laser fields”
Results in Phys.40, 105882 (2022).
20. R. Sun, W. Wang* and P. X. Wang*
“Pulse chirp enhanced the laser acceleration of neutral particles”
Opt. Lett. 47(12), 3023(2022).
21. Qi Wei*, Yan Zhang, Jiaxiang Wang and Pingxiao Wang*,
“Acceleration of Kramers-Henneberger atoms in focused laser beams of circular polarization”
Opt. Express31(4), 6099(2023).
注: *号标记的为通讯作者