(1) 1994.9–1999.6, 兰州大学, 凝聚态物理, 博士
(2) 1990.9–1994.6, 兰州大学, 材料物理, 学士
(1) 2002.10-至今, 复旦大学, 现代物理研究所, 教授、博导
(2) 1999.9-2001.6, 复旦大学, 博士后
(3) 2001.2-2001.5, 香港理工大学, 机械工程系, 访问
(4) 2001.10-2002.10, 香港理工大学, 博士后
(5) 2006.9-2007.2, 日本京都大学, 原子炉研究所, 访问
(6) 2011.4-2012.3, 布鲁塞尔自由大学, Physique des Solides, 访问
(7) 2011.9-2011.12, 意大利国家研究委员会(CNR),Istituto per i Proce, 访问
(1)高熵合金热稳定性的研究 (2017年)
(2)过渡金属晶界结构特性研究 (2014年)
(2) 多尺度模拟计算核反应堆材料及其辐照损伤
(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目,11775051,高熵合金抗辐照损伤性能的可行性研究,2018.01-2021.12, 56万,在研,主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11475046,辐照中氢氦致裂纹韧脆转变的机理研究,2015.01-2018.12, 65万,结题,主持
(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11175047,氢氦对辐照材料损伤机制的计算机模拟研究, 2012.01-2015.12,50万,结题,主持
(4) 国家自然科学基金联合基金,10376008,α粒子辐照对金属材料力学性质的影响,2004.01-2006.12,20万,结题,主持
(5) 国防科技工业核动力技术创新项目,燃料包壳锆与陶瓷涂层界面微观力学及行为的数值模拟,2019.1-2019.12, 22万,结题,主持
1.X.L. Ren, B.D. Yao, T. Zhu, Z.H. Zhong, Y.X. Wang, X.Z. Cao, S. Jinno, Q. Xu, Effect of irradiation on randomness of element distribution in CoCrFeMnNi equiatomic high-entropy alloy, Intermetallics, 126 (2020) 106942
2.Xianli Ren, Weiwei Zhang, Xiaoyong Wu, Lu Wu, Yuexia Wang*, Prediction of short range order in high-entropy alloys and its effect on the electronic, magnetic and mechanical properties, Acta. Phys. Sin. 69 (2020) 046102
3.X. L. Ren, P. H. Shi, W. W. Zhang, X. Y. Wu, Q. Xu, Y. X. Wang*, Swamps of hydrogen in equiatomic FeCuCrMnMo alloys: First-principles calculations, Acta Materialia, 180 (2019) 189-198
4.Qiang Zhang, Yajuan Feng, Xuanyu Chen, Weiwei Zhang, Xiao Yong Wu, Lu Wu, Yuexia Wang*, Structural and electronic anisotropy, negative Poisson’s ratio, strainsensitive Dirac-like cone in monolayer α-CSe: Tailoring electronic properties, Computational Materials Science 168 (2019) 87-95
5.Qiang Zhang, Yajuan Feng, Xuanyu Chen, Weiwei Zhang, Lu Wu, Yuexia Wang*, Designing a Novel Monolayer β-CSe for High Performance Photovoltaic Device: An Isoelectronic Counterpart of Blue Phosphorene, Nanomaterials, 9 (2019) 598
6.X. K. Lu, X. Y. Chen, Y. J. Feng, P. H. Shi, T. H. Wei, W. Liu, Y. X. Wang*, Atomic-scale simulations of ideal strength and deformation mechanism in β-SiC under H/He irradiation, Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 6125-6134
7.Q. Zhang, X. Y. Chen, Y. X. Wang*, Stacking effect on electronic, photocatalytic and optical properties: a comparison between bilayer and monolayer SnS,Computational Materials Science,158 (2019) 272-281
8.Y. J. Feng, T. Y. Xin, Q. Xu, Y. X. Wang*, Factors driving stable growth of He clusters in W: first-principles study, Nuclear Fusion, 58 (2018) 076024
9.X. K. Lu, T. Y. Xin, Q. Zhang, Q. Xu, T. H. Wei, Y. X. Wang*, Versatile mechanical properties of novel g-SiCx monolayers from graphene to silicene: a first-principles study, Nanotechnology, 29 (2018) 315701
10.Q. Zhang, T. Xin, X. Lu, Y. X. Wang*, Optoelectronic Properites of X-Doped (X= O, S, Te) Photovoltaic CSe with Puckered Structure, Materials, 11 (2018) 431
11.X. K. Lu, T. Y. Xin, Q. Zhang, Y. J. Feng, X. L. Ren, Y. X. Wang*, Decentral distribution of helium in β-SiC: Studied by density functional theory, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 13 (2017) 35
12.H. F. Zhang, X. L. Ren, J. Y. Zhang, J. Huang, C. H. Xu, A. J. Du, Y. X. Wang*, Hydrogen trapping in MAX phase Ti3SiC2:Insight from chemical bonding by density functional theory, EPL, 18 (2017) 47002
13.H. F. Zhang, B. D. Yao, J. Y. Zhang, Q. Xu, Y. J. Feng, Y. X. Wang*, The tolerance of Ti3SiC2 to hydrogen-induced embrittlement: A first principles calculation, Mater. Lett. 166 (2016) 93-96
14.B. D. Yao, G. Q. Hu, Z. S. Yu, H. F. Zhang, L. Q. Shi, H. Shen, Y. X. Wang*, Effect of H and He on the mechanical properties of Ti3SiC3: the first-principles calculation, Acta Phys. Sin 65 (2016) 026202
15.H. F. Zhang, B. D. Yao, L. Q. Shi, D. J. O’Connor, J. Huang, J. Y. Zhang, W. Ding, Y. X. Wang*, Roles of silicon-layer in Ti3SiC2 materials response to helium irradiation: New insights from first-principles calculation, Acta Mater. 97 (2015) 50-57
16.N. Liu, J. Huang, K. Sato, Q. Xu, L. Q. Shi, Y. X. Wang*, Hydrogen trapping under the effect of W-C mixed layers, Nuclear Fusion 54(2014)033013 (1-6)