肖君 研究员 博导

Email: xiao_jun@fudan.edu.cn
1.低能EBIT 的设计开发(SH-HtscEBIT实验室负责人)
2020.1-2024.12,NSFC重点项目,高离化态Ni 12+离子的协同冷却和光谱研究,子课题负责人
2015.1-2017.12,NSFC青年项目,利用低能EBIT 模拟麦克斯韦能量分布的等离子体研究,负责人
1. B L Li, F H Qu, Y M Xie, X Liu, X W, Zhang, K Yao, Y Yang, B Wei, Y Zou and J Xiao*, Spectral simulation of multivalent collisional-radiative model for W25+-W28+ from EBIT to tokamak plasmas, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 66, 085005 (2024)
2. B.L. Li, F.H. Qu, K. Wang, Y.M. Xie, X. Liu, X.W. Zhang, B. Niu, K. Yao, Y. Yang, B. Wei, Y. Zou, J. Xiao*, Investigation of the M1 transitions from the ground configuration of W23+, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 325, 109101 (2024)
3. F.H. Qu, B.L. Li, B. Tu*, C.Y. Zhang, X. Liu, Y.M. Xie, Q. Lu, C.L. Yan, N. Fu, R. Si, C.Y. Chen, B. Wei, Y. Zou, J. Xiao*, Large-scale RCI calculation of energy levels in W9+, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 314, 108871 (2024)
4. B L Li, F H Qu, N Fu, Y M Xie, X Liu, Y Yang, B Wei, Y Zou and J Xiao*,Partial identification of visible lines from W24+ ions in an electron-beam ion trap, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.56, 215701 (2023)
5. C.L. Yan, Q. Lu, Y. M. Xie, B. L. Li, N. Fu, Y. Zou, C. Chen, and J. Xiao*, Charge-state evolution from W5+ toW7+ at energies below the ionization potentials, Phys. Rev. A 105, 032820 (2022)
6. N. Fu, Q. Lu, C. L. Yan, G. Q. Xu, K. Wang*, C. Y. Chen, Y. Zou, and J. Xiao*, Re-investigation and line identificationsfor W11+ in the visible range, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55, 045001(2022)
7. Q. Lu, N. Fu, C.L. Yan, F.H. Qu, Y. Yang, K. Wang*, C.Y. Chen, Y. Zou, J. Xiao*, Experimental and theoretical investigations of visible spectra of W 12 +, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf.279, 108064(2022)
8. Q. Lu, C.L. Yan, N. Fu, Y. Yang, C.Y. Chen, J.Xiao*, K. Wang*, Y.Zou, Measurement and identification of visible lines from W10+, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 262,107533(2021)
9. Q. Lu, C.L. Yan, J. Meng, G. Q. Xu, Y. Yang, C.Y. Chen, J. Xiao*, J.G. Li†, J.G. Wang, and Y. Zou, Visible spectra of W8+ in an electron-beam ion trap. Phys. Rev. A 103, 022808(2021)
10. Shi-Yong Liang, Ting-Xian Zhang, Hua Guan*, Qi-Feng Lu, Jun Xiao*, Shao-Long Chen, Yao Huang, Yong-Hui Zhang, Cheng-Bin Li*, Ya-Ming Zou, Ji-Guang Li, Zong-Chao Yan, Andre Derevianko, Ming-Sheng Zhan, Ting-Yun Shi, and Ke-Lin Gao*, Probing multiple electric-dipole-forbidden optical transitions in highly charged nickel ions, Phys. Rev. A 103, 022804(2021)
11. J. Han, L. Wei, B. Wang, B. Ren, W. Yu, Y. Zhang, Y.Zou, L. Chen, J. Xiao*, and B. Wei*, Measurement of Absolute Single and Double Electron Capture Cross Sections for O6+ Ion Collisions with CO2, CH4, H2, and N2, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 253, 6(2021)
12. Q. Lu, C.L. Yan, G.Q. Xu, N. Fu, Y. Yang, Y. Zou, A.V. Volotka, J. Xiao*, N. Nakamura†, and R. Hutton, Direct measurements for the fine-structure splitting of S VIII and Cl IX, Phys. Rev. A 102,042817 (2020)
13. Shiyong Liang, Qifeng Lu, Xincheng Wang, Yang Yang, Ke Yao, Yang Shen, Baoren Wei, Jun Xiao*, Shaolong Chen, Pengpeng Zhou, Wei Sun, Yonghui Zhang, Yao Huang, Hua Guan†, Xin Tong, Chengbin Li, Yaming Zou, Tingyun Shi, and Kelin Gao,A low-energy compact Shanghai-Wuhan electron beam ion trap for extraction of highly charged ions, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 093301 (2019)
14. Q. Lu,J. He,H. Tian,M. Li,Y. Yang,K. Yao,C. Chen,J.Xiao*,J. G. Li,†B. Tu,‡and Y. Zou,Observation of indirect ionization of W7+ in an electron-beam ion-trap plasma,Phys. Rev. A 99, 042510(2019)
15. B.S.Tu, M.C.Li, Q.F.Lu, Y.Yang, K.Yao, D.Lu, Y.Shen, C.Y.Chen, R.Hutton, Y.M.Zou, J.Xiao*, Simulating a low-temperature Maxwellian plasma using SH-HtscEBIT, Physics Letters A 382, 2673(2018)
16. B. Tu, M. C. Li, Q. F. Lu, Z. Z. Zhao, Y. Shen, Y. Yang, D. Lu, K. Yao, C. Y. Chen, H. J. Zhou, T. L. Huo, J.Xiao*, R. Hutton, and Y. Zou, Responsivity calibration of the extreme ultraviolet spectrometer in the range of 175-435 Å, AIP Advances 7, 045219 (2017)
17. B. Tu, Q. F. Lu, T. Cheng, M. C. Li, Y. Yang, K. Yao, Y. Shen, D. Lu, J. Xiao*, R. Hutton, and Y. Zou, Characteristics of the Shanghai high-temperature superconducting electron-beam ion trap and studies of the space-charge effect under ultralow-energy operating conditions, Physics of Plasmas 24, 103507(2017)
18. B. Tu, K. Yao, Y. Shen, Y. Yang, M. C. Li, T. H. Xu, Q. F. Lu, D. Lu, X. Wang, C. Y. Chen, Y. Fu, B. Wei, C. Zheng, L. Y. Huang, G. Xiong, J. M. Yang, B. H. Zhang, Y. J. Tang, R. Hutton, Y. Zou*, J. Xiao*, Observation of an extremely-long-lived metastable level in a Ti-like system via an L-shell dielectronic recombination measurement in highly charged 3dn ions of tungsten, Phys. Rev. A 96, 032705(2017)
19. Y. Shen, J. Xiao*, K. Yao, Y. Yang, D. Lu, Y.Q. Fu, B.S. Tu, R. Hutton, Y.M. Zou, The status of the micro-calorimeter at Shanghai EBIT, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 408: 326–328(2017)
20. Y. Yang, J. Xiao*, D. Lu, Y. Shen, K. Yao, C. Chen, R. Hutton†, and Y. Zou A high precision flat crystal spectrometer compatible for ultra-high vacuum light source, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 113108(2017)
21. J. Xiao, R. Zhao, X. Jin, B. Tu, Y. Yang, D. Lu, R. Hutton, and Y. Zou*, AN ULTRA-LOW ENERGY ELECTRON BEAM ION TRAP IN SHANGHAI, Proceedings of IPAC2013, MOPFI066, Shanghai, P.R. China, 2013.05.12-05.17
22. J. Xiao, Z. Fei, Y. Yang, X. Jin, D. Lu Y.Shen, L.liljeby, R.Hutton and Y.Zou*, A very low energy compact electron beam ion trap for spectroscopic research in Shanghai, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 013303(2012)