专业特长:Bio-X (X=核技术、物理、化学、环境科学)
起止时间 | 学习单位 |
| 身份 |
2006.9-2007.9 | 德国Konstanz大学生物物理系 |
| 高访学者 |
2001.7-2003.7 | 复旦大学现代物理研究所 |
| 博士后 |
1999.1-2001.1 | 德国Hohenheim大学植物营养研究所 |
| 博士生 |
1998.9-2001.7 | 浙江大学环境资源学院 |
| 博士生 |
1995.9-1998.7 | 浙江大学环境资源学院 |
| 硕士生 |
1991.9-1995.7 | 华中师范大学生命科学院 |
| 本科生 |
1.核分析技术研究植物对铜等重金属的超积累机理(国家基金,10205003 )
5.核微探针研究成骨细胞的衰老机制(国家基金, 10175015)
6.核微探针外束系统的建立及其在藻细胞摄取机制研究中的应用 (国家基金,10675033)
1. 2005年,复旦大学复华奖教金
2. 2010年,复旦大学复华奖教金
1. Yang MJ., Yang XE., and Römheld V. 2002. Growth and nutrients composition of Elsholtzia splendens Nakai under copper toxicity. J. Plant Nutr. 25(7): 1359-1375
2. Chen YP., Yan J., Yang MJ., Wang JW., Shen DL 2003 Expression of green fluorescent protein in Bacillus brevis under the control of a novel constitutive promoter F1 and insertion mutagenesis of F1 inEscherichia coli DH5α. FEMS Microbiology Letters 229: 111-117
3. Wu R., Shen H., Mi Y., Sun MD. and YangMJ.2005 A computer program for scanning transmission ion microscopy simulation Nucl.Instr. Meth. Phys. Res.B.231( 1-4): 149-155
4. Chen YP., Shen DL., Yang MJ. 2005 Use of Green Fluorescent Protein as Molecular Marker for Tagging Bacillus brevis in Soil under the Control of a Novel Constitutive Promoter F1. Folia Microbiol. 50 (5), 437–442
5. Peng HY., Yang XE., Yang MJ., Tian SK 2006 Responses of antioxidant enzyme system to copper toxicity and copper detoxification in the leaves of Elsholtzia splendens J. Plant Nutr. 29 (9): 1619-1635
6. Jin J., Shen H., Yao HY., Mao J., Wang CJ., Yang MJ. and Mi Y. (2007) Evaluation of Cd in hepatocellular carcinoma by particle induced X-ray emission Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 21(4):255-260.
7. Parameswaran A., Leitenmaier B., Yang MJ., Kroneck PMH., Welte W., Lutz G., Papoyan A., Kochian LV., and Küpper H (2007)A native Cd / Zn pumping P1B ATPase from natural overexpression in a hyperaccumulator plant. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 363(1):51-56.
8. Zhong L., Zhuang W., Shen H. , Mi Y., Wu Y., Liu B., Yang MJ., Cheng H. (2007) The Fudan nuclear microprobe set-up and performance. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260: 109–113
9. Zheng Y., Jin W., Wang C., Yang MJ., Shen H., Eisa M.H., Mi Y.(2009) The effects of strontium ranelate treatment on ovariectomized Sprague-Dawley rat tibia Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 267:2128–2131.
10. Zheng Y., Guo H., Wei K., Tang W., Satoh T., Ohkubo T., Yamazaki A., Takano K., Kamiya T., Shen H., Yang MJ., Mi Y. (2010) Micro-PIXE study of whole otolith of Anguilla japonica at elver stage. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 268(11-12): 2152-2155.
11. Yu LM., Yang MJ., Wang PX., and Kawata S. A sampling method for quantum random bit generation Review of Scientific Instruments(2010) 81, 046107
12. Zheng Y., Guo H., Tang W., Wei K., Shen H., Yang MJ., Mi Y. (2011) Micro-PIXE Line-scan Measurements of the Yellow Eel’s Otolith. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: 269(17): 2303–2306.
13. Lu P., Zhang H., Satoh T., Ohkubo T., Jiang Z., Yang M.J., Mi Y., Ren Q., Shen H. (2011) Investigation on the stability of water-soluble ZnO quantum dots in KB cells by X-ray fluorescence and absorption methods. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 269( 17):1940-1943.
14. Zheng Y, Shen H., Li Y.Q., Li X.Y., Yang MJ., Mi Y. (2013) A new external microbeam system in Fudan University. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 296( 1): 82-86.
15. 杨肖娥,杨明杰1996. 镉从农业土壤向人类食物链的迁移。微量元素科学3(7):1-13.
16. 杨明杰,林咸永,杨肖娥 1998.镉对不同植物生长和养分积累的影响。应用生态学报9(1), 89-94
17. 金洁,沈浩,钟玲,姚惠英、余红秀,杨明杰,宓詠 2005 肝癌组织中微量元素的PIXE测定上海微量元素科学 6(1):40-43.
18.Yang XE., Yang MJ., Shi WY.1998. Copper-hyperaccumulator of Chinese native plants: characteristics and possible use for phytoremediation.In Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry.(Bassam NEL eds.) pp 484-489
19.Yang XE, Yang MJ.,Shi WY. 2000 Metal distribution and chelation with relation to Zn/Cd hyperaccumulation in Thlaspi caerulescens in Proceedings of Soil Remediation-2000 (McGrath S eds.) pp191-194