
1989.9-1993.6 复旦大学物理二系应用物理专业,本科生
1993.9-1996.1 复旦大学现代物理研究所原子与分子专业,硕士研究生
1996.1-1999.1 复旦大学现代物理研究所粒子物理与原子核物理专业,博士研究生
1999.2-2001.1 复旦大学电子科学博士后流动站,博士后
2001.2-至今 复旦大学现代物理研究所,教师
2005.6-2006.6 英国Queen's University of Belfast,访问学者
1)Dielectronic recombination rate coefficients for the Ni I isoelectronic sequence
Y. Zhang, C.Y. Chen, M. Huang, Y.S. Wang, and Y.M. Zou
Eur. Phys. J. D 56, (2010) 157-166
2)Radiative rates and electron impact excitation rate coefficients for H-like Fe XXVI
C.Y. Chen, K. Wang, M. Huang, Y. S. Wang and Y. M. Zou
J. Quant. Spect. & Radiat.Transfer 111, (2010) 843-856
3)Electron impact excitation for P-like Ni XIV
K. Wang, C. Y. Chen, M. Huang, Y. S. Wang, Y. M. Zou and J. L. Zeng
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, (2010) 175202
4)Radiative rates and electron impact excitation rate coefficients for Ne-like Se XXV
K. Wang, C. Y. Chen, M. Huang, Y. S. Wang and Y. M. Zou
Atom. Data Nucl. Data Tables 97, (2011) 426-480
5)Electron impact excitation rate coefficients for P-like Ni XIV
K. Wang, J. Yan, M. Huang, C.Y. Li, J.L. Zeng, C.Y. Chen, Y.S. Wang, Y.M. Zou
Atom. Data Nucl. Data Tables 98, (2012) 779–797
6)The anomalous hyperfine structure of Al II
M. Andersson, T. Lennartsson, H. Nilsson and C.Y. Chen
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45 (2012) 135001 (14pp)
7)Systematic calculations of energy levels and transition rates of c-like ions with Z= 13-36
K. Wang, D. F. Li, H. T. Liu, X. Y. Han, B. Duan, C. Y. Li, J. G. Li, X. L. Guo,
C. Y. Chen, and J. Yan
Astrophy. J. Supp. Ser. 215 (2014) 26 (14pp)
8)Systematic calculations of energy levels and transition rates of be-like ions with Z=10-30 using a combined configuration interaction and many-body perturbation theory approach
K. Wang, X.L. Guo, H.T. Liu, D.F. Li, F.Y. Long, X.Y. Han, B. Duan, J.G. Li,
M. Huang, Y.S. Wang, R. Hutton, Y.M. Zou, J.L. Zeng, C.Y. Chen, and J. Yan
Astrophy. J. Supp. Ser. 218 (2015) 16 (13pp)
9)Energy levels and oscillator strengths for Mg-like copper
R. Si, X. L. Guo, J. Yan, C. Y. Li, S. Li, M. Huang, C. Y. Chen, Y. S. Wang, Y. M. Zou
J. Quant. Spect.& Radiat.Transfer 103 (2015) 7-23
10)Relativistic many-body calculations on wavelengths and transition probabilities for forbidden transitions within the 3dk ground configurations in Co- through K-like ions of hafnium, tantalum, tungsten and gold
X. L. Guo, M. Huang, J. Yan, S. Li, R. Si, C. Y. Li, C. Y. Chen, Y. S. Wang and Y. M. Zou
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 (2015) 144020 (18pp)
11)Energy levels and transition rates for Mg-like Kr XXV
R. Si, X. L. Guo, J. Yan, C. Y. Li, S. Li, M. Huang, C. Y. Chen and Y. M. Zou
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 (2015) 175004 (12pp)
12)Radiative rates and electron-impact excitation for the n£6 fine-structure levels in H-like ions with 13£Z£42
S. Li, J. Yan, C. Y. Li, R. Si, X. L. Guo, M. Huang, C. Y. Chen, Y. M. Zou
A&A 583 (2015) A82
13)Resonance enhanced electron impact excitation for P-like Cu XV
Li Shuang, Yan Jun, Li Chuan-Ying, Huang Min, and Chen Chong-Yang
Chin. Phys. B 24 (2015) 113401
14)Correlation Effects on the fine-structure splitting within the 3d9 ground configuration in highly-charged Co-like ions
Guo Xue-Ling, Huang Min, Yan Jun, Li Shuang, Wang Kai, Si Ran, Chen Chong-Yang
Chin. Phys. B, Accepted
15)Calculations with Spectroscopic Accuracy for the Ground Conguration (3d9) Forbidden Transition in Co-like Ions
X. L. Guo, R. Si, S. Li, M. Huang, R. Hutton, Y. S. Wang, C. Y. Chen, Y. M. Zou, K. Wang, J. Yan, C. Y. Li, and T. Brage
Phys. Rev. A, Accepted