发布时间:2015-05-04 浏览次数:

姓名:魏宝仁 职称:教授 职务:系副主任 办公室:现代物理研究所3-215 联系电话:021-65643463(O) 电子邮件: brwei@fudan.edu.cn
教育和工作经历: [2014.12 – 现在] 研究员,复旦大学 [2009.6 – 2014.11] 副研究员,复旦大学 [2007.8 – 2009.5] 讲师,复旦大学 [2005.8 – 2007.8] 博士后,复旦大学 [2002.8 – 2005.7] 理学博士,中科院近代物理研究所 [2002.9 – 2005.3] 理学博士,法国里昂第一大学 [2000.8 – 2002.8] 研究生,中科院近代物理研究所 [1996.9 – 2000.7] 理学学士,内蒙古民族大学物理系
研究兴趣: 主要从事高电荷态离子、电子与原子、分子相互作用过程的实验研究。2005年开始复旦大学工作,主要负责电子与原子分子相互作用过程研究工作,主持研制了自主知识产权的冷靶反冲离子动量谱仪。2009年首次实现了上海EBIT阱区离子的引出,2010年为开展低能电子与碳氢分子相互作用的实验研究工作,建立了低能超短脉冲电子束系统。过去几年中,以主要人员身份参加了课题组的多项国家重点项目,以课题负责人承担了自然基金委青年项目和国际原子能机构项目。作为主要学术骨干参加2009年科技部国家磁约束核聚变能研究发展专项。2011年获得复旦大学首批“卓学计划”人才项目支持。在国内外核心期刊与同事合作发表论文近30篇。 招收原子分子物理专业硕士研究生和博士研究生。 欢迎感兴趣的博士后加入。
学术兼职: 2017.09起任复旦大学核物理与离子束应用教育部重点实验室副主任。 2020年起任中国核学会射线束技术分会副理事长 2015-2019年国际光子、电子和原子碰撞会议(ICPEAC)国际委员会委员。 2015年起任中国物理学会原子与分子物理专业委员会委员 2009-2014年任国际原子能机构协调研究项目中方首席科学家(IAEA - CRP No. 15735, Chief Scientific Investigator)。
科研项目: 2022.12~2027.12,科技部国家重点研发计划,原子分子参数绝对测量及在天体物理中的应用,课题负责人。 2019.01~2022.12,自然科学基金联合重点项目,重离子与原子分子碰撞过程中电荷交换反应绝对截面的精密测量,项目负责人。 2017.06~2022.06,科技部国家重点研发计划,高电荷态离子非平衡动力学时空演化研究,子课题负责人。 2017.01~2020.12,自然科学基金,基于全息动量成像谱仪的电子作用下分子解离过程研究,项目负责人。 2010.01~2012.12,自然科学基金,基于全息动量成像谱仪的负离子与原子反应过程研究,负责人。 2009.06~2014.06,国际原子能机构,基于动量谱仪的电子与原子、离子和分子相互作用过程研究,负责人。 2012.01~2014.12,复旦大学“卓学计划”。 2015.01~2019.12,科技部,面向核聚变的原子分子数据库的数据验证及修正,学术骨干。 2009.08~2012.07,科技部,边界等离子体基本过程的实验和模拟研究,学术骨干。
学术论文发表情况(摘选): · Z. H. Xia, B. Ren, R. T. Zhang†, L. Wei, J. Han, T. Meng, J. Wang, P. Ma, Y. Zhang, B. Tu, J. Xiao, K. Yao, Y. Zou, X. L. Zhu, D. L. Guo, X. Ma, and B. Wei‡, Measurement of n- and l-resolved State-selective Charge Exchange in Ar8+ Collision with He, Astrophysical J., 933:207 (2022) · Baihui Ren, Pufang Ma, Yu Zhang*, Long Wei, Jie Han, Zihan Xia, Jiarong Wang, Tianming Meng, Wandong Yu, Yaming Zou, Chuan-Lu Yang†, and Baoren Wei‡, Dissociation mechanism of C2H42+ induced by 18-keV/u Ne8+ impact: Symmetric and isomeric cleavage of the C-C bond, Phys. Rev. A, 106, 012805 (2022) · Zhencen He, Jiarong Wang, Yu Zhang*, Bo Wang, Jie Han, Baihui Ren, Long Wei, Zihan Xia, Pufang Ma, Tianming Meng, Yaming Zou, Zhimin Hu†, and Baoren Wei‡, Sequential deprotonation of the allene trication produced by 30-keV/u He2+ impact, Phys. Rev. A, 105, 022818 (2022) · Baihui Ren , Zihan Xia , Yu Zhang , Long Wei , Wandong Yu, Jie Han, Bo Wang, Yaming Zou, Li Chen, and Baoren Wei, Three-body fragmentation mechanism of C2H43+ produced by 18-keV/u Ne8+ impact, Phys. Rev. A, 104, 022811 (2021) · Long Wei, Chow-Shing Lam, Yu Zhang*, Baihui Ren, Jie Han, Bo Wang, Yaming Zou, Li Chen, Kai-Chung Lau*, and Baoren Wei*, Isomerization Dynamics in the Symmetric and Asymmetric Fragmentation of Ethane Dications, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 5789−5795 · Wandong Yu, Cong-Zhang Gao*, Shunsuke A. Sato, Alberto Castro*, Angel Rubio, and Baoren Wei* Single and double charge transfer in the Ne2+ + He collision within time-dependent density-functional theory, Phys. Rev. A, 103, 032816 (2021) · Bo Wang, Jie Han, Xiaolong Zhu*, Long Wei,1 Baihui Ren, Yu Zhang, Wandong Yu, Shuncheng Yan, Xinwen Ma, Yaming Zou, Li Chen, and Baoren Wei*, Dissociative ionization of OCS induced by highly charged ion impact, Phys. Rev. A, 103, 042810 (2021) · J. Han, L. Wei, B. Wang, B. Ren, W. Yu, Y. Zhang, Y. Zou, L. Chen, J. Xiao*, and B. Wei*, Measurement of Absolute Single and Double Electron Capture Cross Sections for O6+ Ion Collisions with CO2, CH4, H2, and N2, Astrophys. J. Supplement Series 253, 6 (2021) · L. Wei , B. Ren, Y. Zhang*, J. Wang , B. Wang, J. Han, W. Yu, Y. Zou, L. Chen, and B. Wei*, Delayed fragmentation of ethylene and allene induced by electron impact, Phys. Rev. A, 103, 012810 (2021) · Y. Zhang, B. Ren, C. Yang, L. Wei, B. Wang, J. Han, W. Yu, Y. Qi, Y. Zou, L. Chen, E. Wang*, and B. Wei*, Formation of H3+ from ethane dication induced by electron impact, Commun. Chem. 3:160 (2020) · B. Wang, L. Wei, Y. Zhang, W. Yu, Y. Zou, L. Chen and B. Wei*, Fragmentation of C2H42+ produced by 300 eV electron impact, J. Phys. B: 53 (2020) 155205 · L. Wei, S. Chen, Y. Zhang, B. Wang, W. Yu, B. Ren, J. Han, Y. Zou, L. Chen, and B. Wei*, Dissociation of NH32+ induced by collision of 300 eV electrons with NH3, Eur. Phys. J. D (2020) 74: 133 · Y. Zhang, L. Wei, C.-L. Yang, W. Yu, B. Wang, B. Yan, Y. Zou, L. Chen, and B. Wei*, Formation of H3+ from hydrocarbon dications induced by collisions with charged particles, Phys. Rev. A, 100: 052706 (2019) · T. Jiang, B. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. Wei, S. Chen, W. Yu, Y. Zou, L. Chen, and B. Wei*, Three-fragment dissociation of C2H22+ and C2H2 produced by slow Ar8+ ion impact, Phys. Rev. A, 100: 022705 (2019) · Y. Zhang, B. Wang, L. Wei, T. Jiang, W. Yu, R. Hutton, Y. Zou, L. Chen, and B. Wei*, Proton migration in hydrocarbons induced by slow highly charged ion impact, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 204303 (2019) · W. Yu, C.-Z. Gao, T. Jiang, Y. Zou, J.-G. Wang, Y. Wu, and B. Wei*, A theoretical study of Ar8+-acetylene collisions at 1.2 MeV: Ionization and dissociation dynamics, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 124304 (2019) · Y Zhang ; T. Jiang; L. Wei; D. Luo; X. Wang; W. Yu; R. Hutton; Y. Zou; B. Wei*, Three-body fragmentation of methane dications produced by slow Ar8+-ion impact, Phys. Rev. A, 97: 022703 (2018) · W. Yu ; C. Z. Gao; Y. Zhang; F. S. Zhang; Roger Hutton; Y. Zou; B. Wei*, Collision cross sections of N2 by H+ impact at keV energies within time-dependent density-functional theory, Phys. Rev. A, 97: 032706 (2018) · W Yu ; Y Zhang; F S Zhang; Roger Hutton; Y Zou; C. Z. Gao; B Wei*, Collision dynamics of H+ + N2 at low energies based on time-dependent density functional theory, J. Phys. B: 51: 035204 (2018) · Y Zhang, X Wang, L F Zhu, D Lu, R Hutton, Y Zou1 and B Wei*, Dissociative ionization of N2 by fast electron impact: roles of molecular orbitals, J. Phys. B: 50: 205202 (2017) · X. Wang, Y. Zhang, D. Lu, G. C. Lu, B. Wei*, B. H. Zhang, Y. J. Tang, R. Hutton, and Y. Zou Fragmentation of CO22+ in collisions with low-energy electrons, Phys. Rev. A 90, 062705 (2014) · B. Wei, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, D. Lu, G. C. Lu, R. Hutton and Y. Zou, Fragmentation mechanisms for Methane induced by 55 eV, 75 eV and 100 eV electron impact, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 124303 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4868651. · Y. Zhang, X. Wang, D. Lu, B. Wei*, B.H. Zhang, Y.J. Tang, R. Hutton, Y. Zou, A cold target recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy for the investigation on the dynamics of atomic and molecular reactions in Shanghai, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 337 (2014) 39–44. · B Wei, Z Chen, X Wang, D Lu, S Lin, R Hutton and Y Zou, The relative cross section and kinetic energy distribution of dissociation processes of methane by electron impact, J. Phys. B. 46, 215205 (2013). · S Lin, Z Chen, B Wei*, X Wang, D Lu, R Hutton and Y Zou, Development of a low energy e− gun for studies of e−-molecule interactions using a recoil-ion and electron momentum spectrometer, Phys. Scr. T144 (2011) 014059 · Z Chen, X Wang, B Wei*, S Lin, R Hutton and Y Zou, Ionization and dissociation of methane in a nanosecond laser field, Phys. Scr. T144 (2011) 014065
发明专利: · 魏宝仁; 张煜; 郭盘林; 王新成; 邹亚明; 高电荷态离子的实验装置, 2019-5-31, 中国, ZL 2017 1 0545784. X · 魏宝仁; 路迪; 邹亚明; 超声气体束装置, 2020-8-28, 中国, ZL 2017 10871975. 5.
学术会议报告(摘选): · Hydrogen migration in the fragmentation of hydrocarbon dications, August 31 to September 3, 2022, 日本松江,20th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions · The studies of charge transfer in the interaction between HCI and A&M, Oct. 26-31, 2020, e-conference, the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP2020 for short) during · Proton migration in hydrocarbons induced by highly charged ion impact, 20th to 22nd July, 2019, 法国巴黎, 26th International Symposium on Ion-Atom Collisions, · Fragmentation mechanisms for Methane induced by electron impact, 2015年7月30日-8月1日,西班牙圣巴斯蒂安, International Symposium on (e,2e), Double Photo-Ionization and Related Topics · FRAGMENTATION MECHANISMS FOR METHANE INDUCED BY 55 EV, 75 EV AND 100 EV ELECTRON IMPACT, 31st Aug. ~ 5th Sept. 2014, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. 17th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions · The 3rd Research Coordination Meeting (RCM) of the CRP on "Light Element Atom, Molecule and Radical Behaviour in the Divertor and Edge Plasma Regions", 20-22 March 2013, IAEA, ‘The Dissociation Process of Hydrocarbon Molecules Impact by Low Energy Electron’ · the 3rd Sino-German Workshop on Plasma-Wall Interactions,大连,2012.11.6~11, ‘The Dissociation Process of Hydrocarbon Molecules Impact by Low Energy Electron,’ ·中国物理学会2012年秋季学术会议,广州,2012.9.20~23, ‘低能电子与碳的氢化物分碰撞过程研究’ · The 2nd Research Coordination Meeting (RCM) of the CRP, 23-25 May 2011, IAEA, Vienna, ‘Progress of the interaction between e- and molecule in Fudan University’ · the First Research Coordination Meeting of the Coordinated Research Programme (CRP) on Light Element Behaviour in the Divertor and Edge Plasma Regions, 18-20 Nov. 2009, IAEA, ‘Studies of the interactions between e- and molecules based on a reaction-microscope’