学术报告:Recent studies on high multiplicities pp event and their connection to the PbPb results - Guy Paic教授
发布时间:2019-11-09   浏览次数:


报告人:Guy Paic教授(墨西哥国立自治大学)

报告时间:20191113日 上午9:30-10:30 化学西楼201会议室


For several years we have observed evidence that at high multiplicities / high energy densities the proton proton collisions results at high multiplicity are very similar to the ones of the heavy ion collisions.

Most of the observation were done at low transverse momenta and were analyzed in terms of collectivity, flow etc. We have chosen to concentrate mainly on the high momentum end of the spectra simulating events with a QCD inspired generator - Pythia. We have derived the fit with power exponent and we have compared them with the ones obtained making the same fit in PbPb spectra. We have also studied the correlations of the multiplicities observed in in the underlying event with the hard components. The results point that in high multiplicity pp events one observes very puzzling behaviors that need to be studied experimentally.



今年已经83高龄的Guy Paic教授是中高能核物理领域国际著名的资深专家。他的整个学术生涯见证了SPS, AGS以及当前RHICLHC上多个中高能核物理实验的形成和发展。Paic教授是ALICE实验的创始成员之一,曾在管理团队,物理分析团队中担任要职,主导了诸多物理分析和RICH等探测器的研发。在退休后他依然活跃在学术圈,近年来的研究兴趣集中在高多重数质子对撞。