赵凯锋副研究员, 1972年生
上海交通大学应用物理系理学士, 美国新泽西州立大学物理学博士,
Email: zhaokf@fudan.edu.cn
主要研究方向: 基于自旋极化原子的精密测量
自旋极化的原子在量子调控和精密测量的重多领域有着广泛的应用: 例如量子信息和测量新技术的探索和新原理的验证,基本对称性的检验,最小的原子钟,最灵敏的磁力仪,转动精密测量,以及超低磁场下的核磁共振测量等。我们以自旋极化原子为对象,利用光和极化原子的相互作用,研究自旋量子噪声及其抑制方法,新型高灵敏度原子磁力仪,以及抗自旋弛豫表面镀膜等。
以第一或通讯作者发表的论文:(包括PRL 2篇,PRA 6篇,APL 2篇 等)
1.Zhang, G.-Y. and K.-F. Zhao*, Quantum Nondemolition measurement by pulsed oscillation. Physical Review A, 2016. 93(3): p. 033841.
2.Wang, M.-L., et al., Study of the optimal duty cycle and pumping rate for square-wave amplitude-modulated Bell-Bloom magnetometers. Chinese Physics B, 2016. 25(6): p. 60701-060701.
3.Zhang, G., et al., Effects of water concentration in the coating solution on the wall relaxation rate of Octadecyltrichlorosilane coated rubidium vapor cells. Journal of Applied Physics, 2015. 117(4): p. 043106.
4.Liao, K.J., et al., Time-Resolved Measurements of the Adsorption/Desorption of Rb Atoms on Octadecyltrichlorosilane Coated Surfaces. Chinese Physics Letters, 2015. 32(7): p. 76801-76801.
5.Zhao, K.F., et al., Dwell Time Measurement of Wall Collisions of Spin Polarized Rb Atoms on Antirelaxation Coatings. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012. 388(1): p. 012046.
6.Zhao, K.F., M. Schaden, and Z. Wu, Enhanced magnetic resonance signal of spin-polarized Rb atoms near surfaces of coated cells. Physical Review A, 2010. 81(4): p. 042903.
7.Zhao, K.F., M. Schaden, and Z. Wu, Method for Measuring the Dwell Time of Spin-Polarized Rb Atoms on Coated Pyrex Glass Surfaces Using Light Shift. Physical Review Letters, 2009. 103(7): p. 073201-4.
8.Zhao, K.F. and Z. Wu, Evanescent wave magnetometers with ultrathin (~ 100 mu m) cells. Applied Physics Letters, 2008. 93(10): p. 101101-3.
9.Zhao, K.F., M. Schaden, and Z. Wu, Nonperturbative broadening of paramagnetic resonance lines by transverse magnetic field gradients. Physical Review A, 2008. 78(1): p. 013418-9.
10.Zhao, K.F., M. Schaden, and Z. Wu, Method for measuring surface-interaction parameters of spin-polarized Rb atoms on coated Pyrex glass surfaces using edge enhancement. Physical Review A, 2008. 78(3): p. 034901-4.
11.Zhao, K.F. and Z. Wu, Evanescent wave magnetometer. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 89(26): p. 261113-1.
12.Zhao, K. and Z. Wu, Regionally specific hyperfine polarization of Rb atoms in the vicinity (~ 10[sup -5] cm) of surfaces. Physical Review A, 2005. 71(1): p. 012902-14.
13.Zhao, K. and Z. Wu, Mapping surfaces using regionally specific hyperfine polarization. Physical Review A (R), 2004. 70(1): p. 10901-4.
14.Zhao, K. and Z. Wu, Hyperfine polarization and its normal gradient coefficient of sup 87Rb atoms in the vicinity (~10/sup -5/ cm) of coated and uncoated Pyrex glass surfaces. Physical Review Letters, 2003. 91(11): p. 113003/1-4.
15.Zhao, K. and Z. Wu, Atomic resonance behavior in laser-induced Rb atom desorption-the effect of ambient gas atoms and molecules. Physics Letters A, 2002. 299(1): p. 73-8.
16.Zhao, K., Z. Wu, and H.M. Lai, Optical determination of alkali metal vapor number density in the vicinity (~10/sup -5/ cm) of cell surfaces. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2001. 18(12): p. 1904-10.