发布时间:2015-05-04 浏览次数:

教授、博士生导师 联系电话:021-65642290 Email: zhangxm@fudan.edu.cn
1995年7月清华大学工程物理系获工学学士学位,2000年1月清华大学现代应用物理系获理学博士学位,2000年3月起复旦大学现代物理研究所任教师。先后在日本东京电气通讯大学和德国海德堡马普核物理研究所作访问学者。2003年入选教育部优秀青年教师资助计划,2006年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才,获2008年上海高校优秀青年教师、2018年度复旦大学十佳教师“钟扬式好老师”、复旦大学2018届本(专)毕业生“我心目中的好老师”等称号。 长期主讲《核辐射探测与测量》《核电子学》等本科生及研究生专业课程,长期从事负离子相关实验和理论研究。 。
已发表的学术论文(摘选): Guangxin Min, Guannan Guo, Dedong Wang and Xuemei Zhang*. Experiment Research on the Single-electron Detachment Cross Sections of Fe-, Ru-, Ni-, Pd- and Pt- in Collisions with Inert Gas Atoms. Physical Review A, Vol.95, 062706, 2017. Dedong Wang, Guannan Guo, Guangxin Min, and Xuemei Zhang*.Relative dissociation fractions of N2O under 15–30-keVH−,C−, and O−negative-ion impact.Physical Review A, Vol.95, 012705, 2017. Dedong Wang, Yikui Fan, Zilong Zhao, Guangxin Min and Xuemei Zhang*. Relative dissociation fractions of CF4 under 15–30keV H−, C− and O− negative ion impact.Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, Vol.49, 165201, 2016. Jingru Ye, Zilong Zhao, Yiyang Zhu, Junqin Li, Xuemei Zhang*. Experimental study of single-electron detachment for Cu-, Ag-, Au-,Co-, and Ir- in collisions with Kr and Xe. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, Vol.100,1189–1196,2014. Junqin Li, Zilong Zhao and Xuemei Zhang*. MCDHF calculation of electron affinities of Group I and Group IB atomic anions. EuroPhysics Letters, Vol.107, 33001, 2014. Zilong Zhao, Junqin Li, and Xuemei Zhang*. Relative dissociation fractions of SF6 under impact of 15-keV to 30-keV H− and C− negative ions. Physical Review A,Vol.88, 042708,2013. Zilong Zhao, Junqin Liand Xuemei Zhang*. Ionization of noble gas by impact of hydrogen anions. EuroPhysics Letters,Vol.100, 33001,2012。 Junqin Li, Zilong Zhao, Jingru Ye and Xuemei Zhang*. Ionization and dissociation fractions of CO2under 10-30 keV H-, C-and O-negative ion impact. Physical Review A,Vol.86,052703,2012。 Junqin Li, Zilong Zhao, Martin Andersson, Xuemei Zhang*and Chongyang Chen. Theoretical study for the electron affinities of negative ions with the MCDHF method. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics,Vol.45,165004,2012. Jun Zhao, Xue Bai, Junqin Li, Baoren Wei, and Xuemei Zhang*. Single-electron detachment for Cu-, Ag- and Au- in collision with Ar. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, Journal of Physics B, Vol.44, 025201, 2011. Junqin Li, Xuemei Zhang*, Min Huang, Chongyang Chen, and Yaming Zou. Measurement of the energy of the (2s1/22p1/222p3/22)5/2-(2s22p1/222p3/2)3/2x-ray transition in the N-like 208Pb75+. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, Vol. 43, 035003, 2010. Xuemei Zhang*, Nobuyuki Nakamura2), Chongyang Chen1), Martin Andersson1), Yong Liu1) and Shunsuke Ohtani2) Measurement of the QED energy shift in the 1s22p3/2 – 1s22s1/2 X-Ray Transition in Li-like 208Pb79+. Physical Review A, Vol.78, 032504, 2008.